Femenist Queer Man Poems

Tag: lgbt poetry

Porno for a lonely man

Ice cube melts

Thank you crystal core for lasting


As we watch

Your fluids scald your sides

I’m sweating too

Feel us

Let us soothe each other

And maybe slip into something more supple

In the hope of frosting over.


You had all the words,

As if that weren’t enough

You squeezed me once

Without asking.

Now you have my breath, too.

Whine Night

You have the white

I brought the red

So go ahead

And don’t bore me

With apathy but

Drive me to be

Two parasites

No wonder

I’m scared

When I hate you all

The air is still

I mean stale

Your effusive fuss

Bores through my brow

Numbly you pick my pink

I mean grey

As a matter of fact

It’s great

Like to forget

My sponge is wet

And let this

Cerebrospinal juice

Drain as I probe

A new lobe

You would think

This would hurt

I mean prick

For God’s sake

An ice-pick!

Now my chest

Is the only one

Who hugs me

He knows best

But he cheated

With the brain drain


His embrace is too tight


He hates me

I am the

Third wheel

On this nervous little tandem.

I bow and hunch and stoop

And curl and twist and stretch

And push and crunch and cry

And try to let them be

Together without me

These bastards are

A good team

I mean bad

I mean dream

Thank God

I am their host

They are only

My friends



Hip hip.
Blast! A mega breath explodes.
An intercostal ballistic mishap
A billion bronchioli burst my bust but
Rasping rises a treat…
Caramel catarrh creeps
Like a little kiss to tease this tongue.
Heart in heat and saliva slips smooth
Remedy past a fickle tickle with a trickle
Of fresh wind
That trap of battle
Enemy snakes
Tell tales that rattle.


My soul is interred with silt
Casket crushed with this impotence
My mind effete with expression
Withered with this distance
My body is rotten with guilt
Decayed with innocence
My bones are weak with confession
And break without resistance


Kaleidescope of fear
Dropped in a hard place
Twisted to too hard
And broken
Filled with new sharpness here
Empty, my new face
A membrane scarred
Pilled and still feeling queer
Rough rest round this race
Caught me off guard

Holy Grail

My candle hurls a shadow to the top
Of my Saharan ceiling. I marvel
At an anxious cerosus eclipse who
Quivers at the thought of her distant source

A brilliant tongue can disguise terror
But feeds on soul blood molten life bud our

Bodies burn and flesh drains dry claret boils
Residue blackens to ash solar death

Mother screams and father cries tears of pain
Children’s corpses already hung to dry.

For our good

We will not speak the word.

You who speak the word shall

be shunned and exiled for

having crossed into a

world without beauty or


Your dead truth means nothing

to me, or to others.

Those of us with restraint

will revel in our hope

that you resigned when you

opened it.

Tryptich for the apostates of the middle ground

This is you then

Not much to see

You don’t like men

Much less like me

Subficial inholdings diamorph one syllable

This is you now

We’ve seen too much

Of what you allow

These men to touch