Femenist Queer Man Poems

Tag: poemas

Two parasites

No wonder

I’m scared

When I hate you all

The air is still

I mean stale

Your effusive fuss

Bores through my brow

Numbly you pick my pink

I mean grey

As a matter of fact

It’s great

Like to forget

My sponge is wet

And let this

Cerebrospinal juice

Drain as I probe

A new lobe

You would think

This would hurt

I mean prick

For God’s sake

An ice-pick!

Now my chest

Is the only one

Who hugs me

He knows best

But he cheated

With the brain drain


His embrace is too tight


He hates me

I am the

Third wheel

On this nervous little tandem.

I bow and hunch and stoop

And curl and twist and stretch

And push and crunch and cry

And try to let them be

Together without me

These bastards are

A good team

I mean bad

I mean dream

Thank God

I am their host

They are only

My friends


Tryptich for the apostates of the middle ground

This is you then

Not much to see

You don’t like men

Much less like me

Subficial inholdings diamorph one syllable

This is you now

We’ve seen too much

Of what you allow

These men to touch

Butterfly in black and white

Plunge into the cloud of my duvet:

The flowers on my sheets represent our sex

And replace an absent feminine.


I will be a god and you shall pray:

Beg me for my warmth and nothing more complex

Don’t you dare mention that elephant.


The gay and glittered sky turned to day:

Our hands are strewn around each other’s necks

And reach for an absent masculine.

Acaso una palabra 3

I’ll bet they’ll have told you it’s not going to kill you:

Missing him. You’ll forget all of that, and the pain

Will be numbed by other things; the wind and the rain

Will wash your windows and new worries will fill you.


And this throbbing thirst: this miserable drought that won’t

Lose you, will come to an end like that sweet thought

Of all the time that you gave me and how it ought

Not writhe and reach and scream as it does but you don’t.


Why then, did you come here if it all had to end?

And what was that love, if you never loved me?

Did you make me better to destroy me again?


That’s what you did: upped and left me so I must fend

For myself in this emptiness: You let me see

You so I let you in and you said goodbye then…

(Rubén Bonifaz Nuño)


Dime que no importa

Que hay temas más importantes


Dime que te vale

Que mejor nos fijemos en algo más

Está bien

Dime que cáncer

Dime que guerra

Dime que hambre te preocupa más


Que te importe cáncer, a mí también me importa.

Fíjate en la guerra, igual me fijo.

Que te preocupe el hambre, ¿crees que no me preocupa?

Te digo que importa algo más

Que no hay temas más importantes

Que solo a través de este algo más nos podemos enfocar

En cáncer en la guerra y en el hambre

Y ¿qué importan?




Sin eso.

Vive tu maldita vida de odio

Yo prefiero morir de algo más.